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Legimi – e-books and audiobooks
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Unlimited access to e-books and audiobooks in Legimi’s corporate library subscription. Option to save items on “your bookshelf”, offline reading, compatibility with Kindle PocketBook and InkBOOK.

Available in the Extra, Basic, and Active&Relax packages.

How to use

  1. In the menu bar, select Multi-access. Find the Personal development category, find the Legimi service and click Get Started.

2. Go to the services tab and follow the instructions on the right side of the screen.

2a. Generate code.

2b. Go to the Legimi website or download the app to your phone or tablet.

3. Register using the code. Enter it in place of "Your promotional code".

How to use it on your smartphone

  1. In the menu bar, select Multi-access. Find the Personal development category, find the Legimi service and click Get Started.

2. Go to the services tab and follow the instructions.

2a. Generate code.

2b. Go to the Legimi website or download the app to your phone or tablet.

3. Register using the code. Enter it in place of "Your promotional code".

Ways to log in

1. The user did not have an active Legimi account. He/she joined MultiLife.

Pathway: the user generates a MultiLife code -> then visits the dedicated website: MultiLife - Legimi online -> the user enters the MultiLife code and accepts the terms and conditions -> he/she signs up for the service: he/she enters an e-mail address + other necessary registration data -> he/she saves the data -> The website confirms that the app has been downloaded and the user can sign into the app using the data provided during the sign-up procedure. The user signs into all consecutive sessions through the app.

2. The user had an active Legimi account (his/her email address has been registered with the Vendor). He/she joins MultiLife. The subscription he/she had before joining ML has expired.

Pathway: the user generates a MultiLife code -> then visits the dedicated website: MultiLife - Legimi online -> the user enters the MultiLife code and accepts the terms and conditions -> he/she does not need to sign up for the service, but uses the I already have an account option -> he/she completes the form available on the (dedicated ML) website. The website confirms that a MultiLife subscription has been activated for the account. The user may log into the app and use the corporate library subscription service. *If the user has lost the password they can use the Forgot Password option.

3. The user has an active Legimi account (his/her email address has been registered with the Vendor). He/she joins MultiLife. His/her subscription acquired before joining ML is still active.

Pathway: the user generates a MultiLife code -> then visits the dedicated website: MultiLife - Legimi online -> the user enters the MultiLife code and accepts the terms and conditions -> The website displays the message: The package could not be assigned because another subscription is still valid *The ML code can only be registered once the active subscription expires (then follow pathway # 2).

4. Message: The promotional code is invalid.

Case #1: the user has already registered a code and instead of logging into Legimi, he/she wants to log in through the dedicated website: MultiLife - Legimi online

Case #2: the user’s code has expired -> the user should generate a new code and follow pathway # 2

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